During pregnancy, many things that must be considered. Starting from what is consumed, the care products used, even cosmetics such as lipstick. Here's how to make a natural lipstick for pregnant women.
Although only attached to the lips, lipstick can contain heavy metals that can be dangerous if swallowed. Lipstick products are found in at least some heavy metal materials, such as aluminum, mercury, manganese, cadmium, chromium, and lead. These heavy metals can have negative effects on health in the long run. In addition to heavy metals, some lipstick products also contain retinol, deodorizers, and parabens.
Effects of Lipstick Chemicals on Pregnant Women
Here are some of the side effects of lipstick chemicals on pregnant women and the fetus they contain:Cadmium
Research shows that ingestion of cadmium metal can cause kidney disease, lung cancer, bone damage, and damage to the respiratory system in pregnant women. Whereas in the fetus, cadmium can cause low birth weight, and affect bone and brain growth, behavior, and learning abilities later.
Risks will increase if use is done in the long run. However, this research is only limited to animals, so it is not yet clear whether this material has the same effect on humans.
Exposure to mercury in pregnant women can occur through consumption of seafood, such as fish and shellfish, or it can also be through the use of cosmetics, such as lipsticks. Exposure to mercury in large quantities and often, potentially causing fetal defects, nerve and brain disorders, and growth and development problems.
The risk of premature labor or miscarriage will increase if pregnant women are exposed to too much lead. The fetus is also at risk of developing disorders in the nervous system, brain and kidneys.
Exposure to chromium can cause lung cancer and stomach cancer. Exposure to excessive chromium in pregnant women risks causing premature birth.
Exposure to manganese can cause neurological disorders in pregnant women and behavioral disorders in children.
Make a Natural Lipstick
Beauty products sold on the market should have been tested or examined before circulating. However, pregnant women still need to be observant in choosing lipstick products. If you feel it's better to avoid using factory-made lipstick during pregnancy, for fear of the effects of chemicals on the fetus, here are the steps to make a natural lipstick for pregnant women:Brighten up dark lips with a natural scrub
Dry lip skin can make the lips look dark. So, try to scrape dry lip skin using a natural scrub and brighten it with lip masks.
At night before going to sleep, dip the lemon or lime slices in the sugar, then rub it gently on the lips. Rinse with warm water the next morning. Lemon and lime can inhibit the formation of melamine, a skin-darkening pigment.
Make a natural lipstick
This natural lipstick for pregnant women can be obtained from a variety of red fruits. For example pomegranates, strawberries, cranberries, cherries, or beets. The trick, destroy the fruit of your choice, then apply to the lips using cotton buds. Wait until it's a bit dry, then polish again until you get the desired color.
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